For some reason I have been reflecting over my life so far and events which have affected me somehow. Anything can cause a sudden childhood backflash; a thunderstorm reminded me of a rare moment with my dad explaining what thunderstorms are whilst me and my sister counted how far it was, to just walking in my local park and remembering teddy bear biscuits my mum gave me at a picnic. I blame this on the big 2-0. I will be turning 20 this December, I will no longer be able class myself as a child and yet I am burning to start collecting Disney films and making Jam tarts.
I don't think I was the average 10 year old child, I was quite deeply thoughted and extremely shy which people seem to forget. I was and still am
someone who is affected by peoples comments, such as when I was 14 some made a joke about me having a large forehead, I had a fringe ever since. Even though I have come to embrace the forehead, I now look back and think of how these silly comments had effected me and it has only been since I went to University that I am now beginning to feel confident in myself. I attend the gloriousness of the University of Chichester and I wouldn't be anywhere else, choosing your Uni is like choosing a house and the minute I saw it, i was at 'home'. However, I am not a stranger to old Chichester, when I was younger we had a caravan in Bracklesham bay and go every year. These were the fondest moments of my life. I never felt more closer to my family then I did on those trips, especially when the sun was setting and mum took us on evening strolls along the beach. I love the Whittering beaches, with their pebbles that annoyed me when I tried to lie in the su
n, to the shark teeth my brother and I looked for when the sea was out (when he wasn't accidently throwing pebbles at my head). It was always magical to me, and my imagination took off, I feel very much at peace with the ocean, even to this day I get excited at going to the beach. There is one memory at the beach that I has always stayed with me, it was dark outside and I remember feeling quite quiet that evening then someone said that there was shooting stars in the sky. My siblings, our friends and myself included ran to the beach, lied down and watched them drift in and out to the rhythem of the waves. I don't think and evening could be any more perfect. Every thing fell into place, nature was everywhere and everything felt small by comparision, and these memories of shooting stars and scrap books remind me there is a place for everbody, we are just one pebble in a beach, but they make something extraordinary and that having a large forehead should be the least of my concerns, and will be. I will be turning 20 this year and there are plenty more memories to look forward too....

From your 4-fingered forehead friend :)
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